Covid-19 Resources
During this pandemic we have been overloaded with information, much of it confusing, contradictory, based on little data. Below I have tried to list reliable and useful resources and sources of information, some of it for local Sonoma County. I hope this is helpful. If you have other resources you think might helpful that I can add, please feel free to contact me.
Be safe and well out there!
Current Treatments for Covid-19 and Omicron Oct 19, 2022
There are now medicines that can help reduce the severity of symptoms and risk of hospitalization, but they must be administered as soon as symptoms start or test positive, within 5 days.
Help identifying local, regional and national resources for financial support
Educating and connecting to COVID-19 specific programs that address loan deferral or forgiveness program
Education about benefits available under the federal stimulus packages, how to access them and what to expect
Enrollment into Appropriate Insurance and Social Programs
COVID Care Recovery Fund
CDC - What to do if you are sick for caring for someone who has Covid-19
Guidelines for how to safely quarantine, disinfect, etc.
Understanding Coronavirus Testing
From the Alliance of Professional healthcare Advocates. People like myself who are dedicated to supporting patients with clear understandable information for making healthcare decisions.
Telehealth: How to Use Zoom
With the Covid -19 pandemic much routine and non-urgent care is being done online. Here is a simple video that guides you through how to use Zoom. Most of the other online video conferencing and telehealth apps are very similar.
​Sonoma County Resources
Vaccine Information
Where to get the vaccine
General Information for Sonoma County
Where to Find Food & Financial Assistance
Scroll all the way down to find the financial assistance info.
Sonoma County Test Sites:
Emotional and Psychological Support
Sonoma County Warm Line
Call (707) 565-2652 for free and private support if you or someone you know is experiencing emotional stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Available 7 days a week from 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m..
Shelter in Place Health Orders and Guidance​